Anaximenes of Miletus was probably a pupil and later a colleague of
[1] Anaximenes
accepted the idea of a
primary 'stuff' as unlimited (apeiron)
but not as indeterminate [a]; he supposed it to be air (aer) [a]. This was probably
because he saw breath (pneuma) as
being necessary for the life of the body. He tried to explain
change in terms of the processes of rarefaction and condensation [b] (or 'felting'). He said that as a result of the latter
'mobile' air turns firstly into wind, then cloud, water, earth, and stone, and
thence into other substances including living things. When rarefied air becomes fire. Things can also turn back in a reverse process. In this way we have a regular progression of
changes in the density of the basic 'stuff'. Air under its two active attributes, the Hot and the Cold, is thus
all-pervasive and is also the 'cause' of the universe's coherence and
regularity. Air therefore seems to be
the ultimate source of change in the world considered as being governed by
natural laws. Anaximenes also related
the cosmic air to each
individual soul as a microcosm [c]:
As our soul, being
air, holds us together and controls us, so does wind [breath] and air enclose
the whole world. [Quoted by Aetius in Placita (Opinions).]
By comparison
with Anaximander Anaximenes' postulation
of air as a primary principle might seem to represent a regression to the
approach of Thales. However, his theory
of air, unlike Anaximander's apeiron,
is firmly grounded in observation of the world; and he accounts for the Hot and
the Cold and all kinds of change in terms of the fundamental concepts of
rarefaction and condensation without appealing to the general abstract
'opposites' of justice and retribution. But he is not completely consistent in that high and low densities of
things do not always coincide with the hot-cold distinction.
G. S.
Kirk, J. E. Raven, & M. Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, ch.
R. D. McKirahan, Philosophy
Before Socrates, ch. 6.
C. Joachim Classen, 'Anaximander and Anaximenes: the earliest Greek
theories of change?'