
Vida Vitagliano: Springfield, Kentucky, USA

Vida Vitaglioano

Being A Philosopher

Philosophy, from the Greek, translates as 'love of wisdom'. A philosopher is a person who lives in pursuit of knowledge and its proper use — wisdom. I am a philosopher, tho I cannot claim to be wise. The more I learn, the more I realize my ignorance. That might sound a bit pretentious, but that's the way of it.

Once upon a time, 'philosophers' were valued as knowledgeable, helpful, and necessary counselors and confidants. They were skillful learners, teachers, and mentors. They were scholars, much like librarians in their 'bookishness'. Indigenous and 'Eastern' cultures continue to utilize people who play those roles (philosophical roles).

As far as I've been able to discover, in the current, mainstream world most of philosophy has been reduced to self-absorbed, unproductive criticism of other peoples' ideas. It is 'academic'. In my opinion, academic philosophy generally lacks original thought and practical applications to life in the real world. This is unfortunate. Philosophical thought can and ought to be applied to modern issues from everyday living to global conflict and cooperation.

Since early in life I have had ideas of contributing to the world. This has persisted throughout my adulthood, and during the college years I wielded much talk pertaining to 'saving the world'. My idea has evolved to balance 'idealism' with a healthy cynicism and the reality that real change must be allowed to happen incrementally, as gently as possible, and over a reasonable span of time. A couple of centuries seems perhaps a reasonable guess for major change.

I've written a separate document outlining the creation of a plan, but I will summarize. This project consists of studying the world, troubleshooting its issues, assessing situations and scenarios, and creating solutions to relieve the suffering of the world. Future generations ought to have a documented vision and strategic plan toward the enlightenment of humanity. Not merely a theoretical proposition, but a practical application. I plan to create a multi-volumed 'Treatise/Manifesto for Humanity', encompassing past, present, and possible futures, directing a nurturing path, not a fascist dogma. This project is my 'calling' in life. It is my Great Obsession.

Meanwhile I search for an avenue to pursue this idea.

May your life be a satisfying one.




