Philosophical Connections
Compiled by Anthony Harrison-Barbet
Any attempt to define 'medieval philosophy'
runs the risk of over-simplification and distortion. We shall assume here that it began with the
thought of Augustine, the greatest 'patristic' philosopher, in the fourth century
though there is certainly some overlap between the writings of the early
Church fathers and the final period of post-Aristotelian philosophy. Proclus, for example, although born later
than Augustine, has been included above under Greek Neoplatonism. Generally we can say that from Augustine to
John Scotus Eriugena in the ninth century philosophy is characterized primarily
by attempts to utilize the insights of Plato (via Neoplatonism), and to a lesser extent of Aristotle, in
support of their Christian beliefs. However, Aristotle became increasingly important from the middle of the
twelfth century as more of his works became available in the West in Latin
translations from Greek and Arabic. Full
use was now made, within the newly emerging schools and universities, of
dialectic disputation, which employed Aristotelian techniques of argument, and
which had been revived in the previous century. Moreover while most philosophers were still mainly concerned to use the
writings of the two major Greek thinkers to articulate and support one or other
of the three monotheistic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, throughout
the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, they tended also increasingly to engage
in studies of specifically philosophical issues independent of theological
presuppositions though, as far as possible, not inconsistent with them. Medieval philosophy is usually considered as
having ended with William of Ockham whose nominalism and anti-realist epistemology
undermined metaphysics and natural theology, with the consequence that
Christianity once again became a matter of faith alone and largely inaccessible
to reason.